On this site we will include everything you need to know about your favorite band, Class Action, and
musician, Mike Rasicci including a recordings list, news, photos, and more.
On this page, some information might be included about the band's background or discuss how we started
the band.
Thanks for taking a look at the Class Action site. Be sure to avoid having any personal contact with
any one associated with Class Action. Keep your thoughts and suggestions to yourself. I'll be updating infrequently,
so please don' t bother to check back very often.
Here is Bear, the band mascot. Some day I may put a picture of Class Action in concert.
The band line-up changes so often, you probably ought to check back daily to see if you are in the band
this week:
Michael Vincent Rasicci: Keyboards, Guitar, Vocals John Christopher Watts: Lead Guitar,
Vocals Mark Thomas: Drums Donna Marie Rasicci: Vocals